Are (Quick) Loans a Solution to Money Trouble?
You’re out of cash and need to pay bills... Quick cash loans, a.k.a. high interest rate loans are (very likely) not your solution. As they may get…

Are You a Prey for Credit Repair Scams?
Are you worried about your credit? Owe too much money? If so, you may be at risk to fall prey to credit repair scams. This video will help you recog…

Are You Part of the Plastic Generation?
Free Money! You've probably heard that the law changes over the past few years are supposed to protect college-aged young people from a lot of the ab…

Become a "FoolProof Skeptic", and Do it Right.
Make money, spend money: Gifts, groceries, housing, transportation, utilities, health, entertainment, and more. If you know the cycle of your life, yo…

Buy Now, Pay Later. What Could Go Wrong?
When shopping online and off, have you noticed a payment option that allows you to pay over time? These options are offered by companies such as After…

Buying a Car When You Have Bad Credit
You need a new vehicle, but your credit is spotty or bad. Can you afford to buy a reliable car or truck? Can you get a loan at reasonable rates? Can y…

Credit 101
Your "creditworthiness" is the single most important factor financial institutions look at when deciding whether to grant you a loan…

Financial Products You Should Avoid!
Recently, I was asked to weigh in as an expert on "what financial products consumers should avoid", as part of an article on the WalletHacks website.

Have You Considered a Layaway?
Layaways plans are still a thing. And many people lose money on layaway plans. Check out this video now, and make sure you do this right.

How to Spend Too Much on a Loan!
Are bad credit and loans a good combo? If you fall for marketing gimmicks around bad credit and loans, you’ll be throwing away a ton of your hard…

Is Paying Down Debt a 2017 Resolution? Tips for Success
Besides winter storms, January tends to bring post-holiday bills. For many people, that also brings New Year's resolutions to pay down the debt they h…

Is Your Subprime Card Hurting You?
Most people who have experienced bad credit can agree that the following information often indicates that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Millennials: All About (Your) Credit
I'm betting that you know what credit is: an arrangement for you to pay for something at a later date. "Okay, gimme the car today, and I'll pay you la…

Pros and Cons of Buy Now, Pay Later Services
When shopping online, have you noticed a new payment option that allows you to pay over time? These options are offered by companies such as Paypal Cr…

The Height of Credit Repair Pyramid Schemes
The ancient pyramids were built thousands of years ago. And while scammer pyramids aren't that old, they can be just as fascinating. In response to a …

What Is Predatory Lending?
Predatory lending is using deceptive or unfair tactics to get a borrower to take out a loan that benefits the lender instead of the borrower. These ty…

What Is Predatory Lending?
Not all lenders are legit. So what are the warning signs? Check out our tips right here.