Are You Addicted to Your Phone?
Join the club! Unfortunately, most of us are... So how do you put a stop to that? Start with this video...

Are You Hooked on Social Media?
Checking "likes" all day? Yearning for more followers? Chances are, you're addicted to social media... Start getting a grip with this video!

Are Your Kids at Risk of Manipulative Design?
Marketers have a gazillion tricks to get people exposed to ads and make sales, and manipulative design is all over it. Use our video and the resourc…

Are Your Kids Good-Looking Enough?
Body shaming is a big thing these days on social media, and a tough reality many children experience on a daily basis. This video aims to help you d…

Dorm Insurance. Do You Need It?
College students have lots of stuff. Laptops, smartphones, other digital devices, sports gear, music instruments, and much more. So, does their stuff …

Have a kid? Go to TikTok
With social media like TikTok and its influencers, the world of
"easy to recognize" ads is gone. Here’s a video to help you understand how your …

Is Too Much Screen Time Bad for Your Kids?
To be frank, too much screen time can really harm your child. But you can do something, with help from FoolProof and FairPlay. Start by watching our…

Marketing - Without the Advertising?
Eight-year-old Billy loves watching videos of C.T. Bubble, his favorite online kidfluencer. At least once a day, C.T. cranks out new videos loaded wit…

Should Marketers Be Shaping Kids' Lifetime Habits?
Marketers may use manipulative techniques to increase brand loyalty. Use this video and resources below to protect yourself and your family. FairPla…

Stop iPhones from Spying on Kids
Marketers start targeting kids at age 0!
And hundreds of kids apps are selling data to marketers right now.
If you care about a kid check out this…

Teen Bubbles Are Bursting with Scam Opportunities
Older folk often describe Gen Z as "those little whippersnappers who sent their first text message within two minutes of being born," or something sim…

Try Phone-Free February to Cut Screen Time and Improve Your Well-Being
Reducing your phone use by just an hour a day can have significant health benefits, experts say.
Here are some tips to help you cut back on-screen ti…

What Is Prebunking, and Why Should You Care?
In prebunking, you try to figure out whether information is true or not, and where this info is coming from. Seems like a good idea to master during…

Worried About Your Kids Being Manipulated Online?
If your kids spend time online, they're likely encountering "social media influencers" who may try to manipulate their opinions or decision-making. …